When I removed a gas fireplace insert andwooden surround from my kitchen fireplace, there was a panel, known as a backpanel, which filled the space between the insert and surround.
So what is a fireplace back panel?
A fireplaceback panel is the part of a fireplace located between the fireplace opening andthe surround. The back panel typically compliments the design, color andmaterial of the hearth, and can be often purchased together.
When I removed my old fireplace back panelit wasn’t attached to either the fireplace insert or surround, so what is theirpurpose and what do they look like?
What Is AFireplace Back Panel?
The back panel of a fireplace sits betweenthe fireplace opening and the surround, typically covering the wall behind toimprove the look of the fireplace.
Below is a labeled image showing where theback panel on a fireplace can be found in comparison to the other parts:

Fireplace back panels can be purchasedalong with surrounds and hearths, but can also be bought separately.
For more information on fireplace hearths, including materials, designs and required sizes, click here.
Back panels come in many different sizes,shapes, colors and textures, meaning you can find the right design for yourfireplace that will suit the décor of your home.
Back panels are typically constructed fromsimilar materials found in a hearth, including:
- Cast Iron
- Granite
- Slate
- Stone
- Marble
- Brick
Back panels can also be made from wood orlaminate, but cannot be used with solid fuel fireplace appliances such as woodand gas because they are combustible materials. They may be used with electricfireplaces however, as they do not output large amounts of heat like gas andwood fireplaces.
Depending on your local fireplaceregulations you may need to provide an airtight seal between the back panel andthe wall to comply. Be sure to seek professional advice before fitting a newsolid fuel burning fireplace.
Removing AFireplace Back Panel
I removed my fireplace back panel when takingout an old gas fireplace insert from our kitchen fireplace.
The back panel was made from cast iron, andcomplimented the black gas fireplace insert and wooden fireplace surround aspart of the whole fireplace design.
Here’s what the fireplace looked likebefore being removed.

Below is a photo of the fireplace after thetimber surround had been removed. The surround had hidden the edges of the castiron back panel, and the back panel was held into place by screws located ineach top corner.

The gas insert was then removed from thefireplace, and didn’t require any professional assistance because it hadalready been deemed safe by a gas engineer, who explained that it wasn’tconnected to the mains.
The back panel could then be pulled awayfrom the wall, leaving behind just the fireplace opening.

The cast iron back panel, gas fireplaceinsert and wooden surround are now stored in my garage while I decide what todo with the fireplace.
Here’s a few close up images of our backpanel to give you more of an idea what they look like.

Replacing AFireplace Back Panel
Replacing a fireplace back panel may not beas hard as you think.
Depending on the design of your fireplace,your back panel may be separate from the fireplace surround (like mine).
If so, removing the surround is the firststep. Fireplace surrounds are typically joined to the wall with brackets, whichmay be located on the sides of the surround on the legs, or at the top of thesurround by the mantle.
Here’s where the brackets were located onmy old fireplace surround:

I had to remove the plaster over thebrackets on the wall to get to the screws. Once the screws were out, thesurround came away from the wall with ease.
Depending on the type of fireplace, theback panel can be unscrewed from the wall and removed, or may require furtherwork to remove if there is a seal between the back panel and the wall.
Here’s where the screws were located on mycast iron back panel:

Depending on the type of new back panel, itmay require holes to be drilled into the wall in locations different to the oldpanel, or sealed to the wall using an adhesive.
The surround can then be screwed or hooked backonto the wall using the original connections.
Fireplace BackPanel
I’m still deciding what to do with ourkitchen fireplace, but If I decide put another insert in, such as an electricfireplace insert, I’ll probably get a replacement fireplace back panel thatmatches the existing hearth.

We currently have a granite hearth in ourkitchen that I didn’t remove along with the fireplace insert, surround and backpanel.
If I were to install a new fireplace then Iwould go with a black fireplace insert, granite back panel to match the existinggranite hearth, and a white fireplace surround to match the white walls.
Want to see more?
You can also see here what it looks like behind the timber fireplace surround shown in this article.